Published May 10, 2016 by violetdragonlady

Ok I know I’ve been a wee bit on the quiet side for ummm well over a year now but I’m back. Not only am I back but I’m back with a vengeance.

I have been busy and in addition to this blog which will just be my boring life type stuff,  you can find my political musings on The Diplomatic Democratic Dragoness and my arty farty poetry type stuff on Violett Dragon Dreams.

My website is now live Violetdragonlady and on there you will find links to my blogs,  my Marketplace and  The Wolfian Magazine which features my political articles and also my poetry. 

I have just tonight uploaded my first video to You Tube literally like minutes ago so no views yet 😦

My facebook page is still going  and my twitter is now tweeting (or is that Twitting?) more.

I am going to try to write one blog per week although with three blogs perhaps just one original writing and the rest reblogging??

Have to see how it goes I suspect.

Oh and the Sandman still doesn’t come visiting, the Dragons are still eating the sheep, not only that but they’re breeding well, so well that I’ve had to send a couple of them off for adoption (to family so they’re still safe and in contact)

Polly Tickle Asylum

Published March 12, 2016 by violetdragonlady

the diplomatic democratic dragoness

I’ve never been interested in politics, nor recent history from say the industrial age. Neolithic, Iron age, Roman, Vikings pretty much anything else but not recent, not WW1 or WW2.

My first real encounter with politics was the election of Margaret Thatcher, my school was a polling station. I remember hoping she’d be elected because she was a woman and therefore would be able to handle things better than a man and understand the people. Sorry I was naive, and about 13/14 years old and didn’t know any better.

I remember the privatisation of British Gas,


and British Telecomm,


I think I had a Busby Bag. I remember the Falklands, the miners strikes, Kate Bush and Peter Gabriel singing ‘Don’t give up’ Still I wasn’t really interested in politics. What difference could I make? I’m only one person.

My Dad told me though that if I didn’t vote I had…

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Did you hear the Dragons Roar??

Published July 24, 2014 by violetdragonlady

Did you hear the Dragons Roar?

As up on high, they swoop and soar.

Did you see the flames of fire

On stormy clouds, flying higher and higher

The thing about Dragons is – well basically despite what the film says you cannot tame a Dragon. Even saying training it is quite a bit of a push. Dragons are wild, independent, free spirits and while it may seem they are ‘tame’ it is only because they are doing what THEY want to and if it happens to coincide with what you want, well that’s great.


I think I’ve mentioned that I’m in process of relocating the Dragon sanctuary. Many of the Dragons (and friends) are safely hibernating in their travel cases, they do that you see, when in a dark enclosed space, it’s how they live so long. Anyhow those not yet hibernating were grounded for a couple of weeks, for their own safety. You see we had an air show and while I know my Dragons are excellent flyers they had to contend with the humans in the metal things with wings. It was safer all round to keep them grounded.

This however made them restless and tetchy and during the evening of Thursday 18 July 2014 some errrr went out to play. I think many people heard and saw them letting off a bit of steam (pun intended) but not being used to seeing Dragons believed that it was thunderstorms, their roars where the claps of thunder and where they were playing tag, their flames were interpreted by the mundane as lightning.

I know people will say I should keep them under better control, but the thing is, you can’t, nobody can. Dragons will be Dragons, they like shiny things, like freedom, like comfort, DON’T like virgins, or lamb really (mint sauce is different and can be put on anything, well maybe with the exception of ice cream). Dragons LOVE cake, and chocolate, and I managed to entice them back in sometime on Sunday after leaving a trail of chocolate cake.

Did you see the Dragons play

As flying skills they did display

Did you hear the Dragons fight

As free at last they did delight.

I think tomorrow/today might just be take a Dragon to work day. I have a new desk and so far it is Dragonless.

Dragons have claws

Published July 8, 2014 by violetdragonlady

For the past three mornings I have been surprised when I have woken up. Not surprised that I have woken up, bit disappointed maybe, but surprised I am still intact. You see every night I have been dreaming about being covered in cuts, bleeding, on my arms my legs, body. And it’s me who’s caused them, sometimes with my nails, othertimes with a blade. I don’t stop until there is blood, in my dreams I feel the pain, it makes me happy. Perhaps it is because cuts, scars are visible, people can see the pain, see the hurt, it’s an expression of how I feel inside something they cannot see. 


I haven’t done anything whilst awake. A fact I am quite proud/pleased about. It proves I am stronger, I can fight the urges to hurt myself. I still hear the screams though, inside my head, constant, they only vary in volume not duration, they never stop.


Dragons have sharp claws yes. But this dragoness can’t let them loose on the people who deserve it, she knows if she starts she might not be able to stop. So she turns them on herself for their safety. Plus the pain and blood make her feel better but at least it is only in her dreams now and hopefully that will suffice and ease the thirst. 


Just wish the heartrate would settle down, and it doesn’t feel like the Alien is about to claw its way out.

Chasing the Dragons

Published July 4, 2014 by violetdragonlady

I love dragons. All dragons, winged ones, asian ones, water ones, big ones, small ones, hatchlings all dragons. I have always loved dragons and when I found a guy who loved dragons as much as I do I just had to marry him. Trouble was I had a ‘rescue home’ for dragons and so did he. Our dragon got together and did what came naturally. Which is why I now have The Dragon Sanctuary. I should have listened when Blackboard Monitor Vimes said you had to be mad to keep dragons, and I guess he was mad too as he went on to marry Lady Sybil and move into her dragon sanctuary with her.


Problem is we are relocating the Sanctuary and while we are unsure exactly where it will be relocated to many of our ‘residents’ need to be safely transported and have their own special travel box. Dragons being dragons they can last a long, long time in the dark, and the travel boxes are fireproof so everything is safe.


Dragons like playing games though, and the past few days hide and seek has been their favourite. While some are well behaved and are where they should be others (especially the winged ones) move around, hide and generally can be a nuisance. It’s not just the dragons though and to be fair most haven’t hidden that well and come quietly when spotted, it’s their friends. Dragons you see are not the only residents of the sanctuary, they have wily Wizard friends, uniquely annoying Unicorn Friends, Pesky Pegasus pals, and frisky Fairies. Not to mention the proud Phoenix and grumpy Griffins.


We did try to give them their own ‘areas’ however they just got together and started breeding,again and spreading, like the red weed in War of the Worlds they seem to have taken over everything. One even snuck into the bathroom with the mischevious mermaids and there are quite a few hanging round in the kitchen in hope of getting an extra snack.


The only one I can guarantee being where he should be is Snuggles. Snuggles sleeps in bed with me, goes on holiday with me and is the best dragon companion a girl can ask for. He even made friends with the cleaning girls in Rhodes and they tucked him in daily when making the bed up.


IMG_0788DSCF0274 DSCF0275


I also know exactly where Royston and Violet who we adopted from another Dragon Sanctuary are. They are perfectly behaved and like nothing better than snuggling up under the Dragon Tree.


dragons royston violett

I guess it’s giving me exercise though, running up and down the stairs like the other night searching for a winged pegasus, eventually I found it, being hidden by one of the wizards just out of sight on top of a cabinet. The companions are far more trouble than the dragons on their own.


Still, more travel boxes to find, dragons to settle in safely and carry on the search for a new home for us all.

Has anyone seen the remote??

Published July 2, 2014 by violetdragonlady

It’s gone missing again. Just like when you’ve been waiting all week for a certain program or film the remote disappears. It’s found later down the back of the sofa, halfway through whatever it was you wanted to watch. Well I have that problem, not with the t.v. remote though, but with the remote that turns my brain off. You know the one that sticks it on pause while my eyes are closed, allows for rewinding aspects of the day, fast forwarding to things that may be in the future and allows you to switch off and indulge in some happy fantasies. Unfortunately the last few times I did find the remote and got some sleep (medically induced by the wonderdrug zopiclone) I got stuck on the horror channel and woke up my hubby (and me) and possibly half the street, by screaming the place down.


So here I am again wondering how the hell to turn my head off, how to stop the palpitations and jittery feeling I get everytime I close my eyes. I know it’s just an anxiety attack, I know I’m NOT having a heart attack, but it bloody well feels like it. And then there’s my head, thinking always thinking. If I’m not writing a story or poem in my head, I’m thinking about the packing, the moving, the fact we’ve got nowhere to move to. Thinking about stuff at work, what I’m in the middle of doing, what needs finishing, what needs starting etc etc. And when all that is still, all that is quiet and there’s nothing left to think about bloody songs start merrily singing away in my head, perhaps snippets of adverts, War of the Worlds, JC Superstar, Oldies, Classics, new stuff.


I just want to be able to flick the switch, lay me down to sleep, close my eyes and actually sleep. I tried counting sheep – they were too noisy so my dragon ate them. Maybe the resulting indigestion kept me awake that night? Tried hot baths just before bed, tried hot chocolate as my last drink, hell I’ve even tried sex and enjoyable as it was, I still didn’t sleep 😦


I wonder if decapitation would work? Or a huge hammer to the head, although that may result in a headache which would again keep me awake.


Oh well it’s 5am, the birds are quiet, I have noticed them being quieter when dawn breaks, perhaps there are less of them as they’ve flown the nests, or the local cats have eaten them all? Shame really as that usually worked to get me to sleep, listening to their chorus. Another cuppa and then try again, attempt to get a couple of hours at least. And I still miss having a cigarette, six months smoke free and Godess did I crave one when I gave up trying to sleep and got up again at 3.30am.


Wish me luck and hopefully nice dreams not nasty ones

Dear Mr Sandman

Published June 22, 2014 by violetdragonlady

The Dragon Sanctuary

22/06/14 @ 07.45am


Dear Mr Sandman,

I would like to find out just what I have done to upset you. You don’t call in during the evenings anymore, you pay a fleeting visit round about the time the birds wake up on your way to some other part of the world. When you do visit or let me visit your dreamland the visions you give are so realistic it doesn’t feel like I have slept at all, or wake my hubby and the rest of the street up with my screaming.

Is it because you are mad at me for eating the sheep instead of counting them? Is it because traditionally Dragons sleep for a few hundred years at a time therefore have to be awake for a few hundred years? Is it because the Dragon fell in love with the Demon and Demons Don’t Dream?

The way you tease me is getting quite annoying, you throw the sand in my eyes, open my mouth in huge yawns, make me feel like I just can’t stay awake and yet as soon as my head hits that pillow BANG. You run away and desert me, leaving me in a kind of limbo till I get fed up of watching the shadows on the wall, waiting for the birds to wake up, and then get up to make some tea as all that happens is I get more and more annoyed.

Mr Sandman I’m sorry. Whatever I have done I apologise for. Please come back to visit me.


Yours hopefully


Violett Dragonlady

Flying in the Dark

Published June 20, 2014 by violetdragonlady

The black dog,

The demon in the fog,

The Dementor, that sucks out your soul

The darkest night,

The stealer of light,

The beast you cannot control.

Circling the drain,

The unseen pain,

The shadow that used to be you.

At the end of your wits,

In the depth of the pits,

Not knowing if you can get through.

Feeling a freak,

For being so weak,

Life is just a charade.

Thinking you’re dumb

For being so glum

Not keeping up, the masquerade.

No more acting the clown

When you’re feeling so down

But admitting it really stings

No more saying ‘I’m fine’

With a big glass of wine

The truth will give you wings.

I Guess the Dragons are still hungry

Published April 30, 2014 by violetdragonlady

So a while ago I wrote THIS about my insomnia. At 4am in the morning I am pleased to announce I still have it and not only that I’m bloody well sick and tired of it. Friday evening was the last time I slept properly (after a sleeping pill). Since then I have been awake all Saturday night till 10am Sunday morning, Most of Sunday night, most of Monday night (despite a sleeping pill) and now again tonight. A few weeks ago it was toothache keeping me awake and now it’s this Bloody itchy rash.

OK so I guess it proves I am a dragoness and I’m just shedding my scales, they look like scales, feel like scales and are as itchy as hell. The steroid cream has helped the appearance a little and reduced itching but…..

The Dragons must still be hungry, I guess eating sheep just isn’t enough for them, maybe I should go out and find some tasty virgins, although not sure I’d find any round here. The dragons must also be nocturnal, maybe they’re vampire dragons – or hunt vampires?



Not seen any sparkly vampires for that matter either, guess the dragons have already eaten them. Personally speaking I’d much rather eat chocolate than vampires or sheep (saying absolutely nothing about eating virgins). Trouble is both hubby (MasterofDragons) and I are chocoholics so we don’t buy it that often, and when we do it doesn’t last very long at all. Just wondering what the hell I can feed the dragons to put them (and me) to sleep. Just had a bowl of crunchy nuts (kelloggs cereal not the other sort of crunchy nuts)


Hoping the antihistamine kicks in soon so I can try to get to sleep before the birds start there dawn chorus, although having said that I normally hear them before I get to sleep anyway – perhaps a recording of them playing when I first go to bed might help.

I had started writing a blog on St Georges day about how awful it is to slay dragons, perhaps I’ll finish it tomorrow, perhaps being slain is the only way I’l get any sleep.